When you have a new vehicle, you want to make sure it stays in great shape for as long as possible. One of the most important things is protecting the paint to retain the value of your car, truck, motorcycle, or boat. We cover a few tips for protecting your new investment. For times when dings are unavoidable, paintless dent repair is a fast, affordable option.
Keeping it clean
- Regular washing at home or a reputable commercial cleaner
- Maintain safe distance from jets to prevent damage
Coat the underside
- Protect your exhaust and other components from rust and salt damage
Applying clay
- Use quality products
- Only use terry cloth or a soft applicator pad
- Quick Youtube videos can help you get the right technique
Paint conditioning is helpful
- Only use non-abrasive
- Follow manufacturer instructions
- Follow manufacturers paint recommendations for the correct wax
- Only buy high-quality products
Fixing scratches with paintless dent repair New Jersey NJ
Pdr is a quick way to fix any damage that occurs to your vehicle whether it is from hail, broken limbs, bicycle run-ins, or grocery cart dings. Most repairs cost less than $500 letting you regain full value of your vehicle in about an hour. The process is quick and easy with suction and heat tools that a highly trained specialist can bring to your location.
Ace of Dents is your leading New Jersey provider of paintless dent repair. With more than ten years of experience working on everything from fleet vehicles to Ferraris, New Jersey residents have a fast and inexpensive way to keep new cars looking beautiful and retain value at the same time. If you get a dent in your new car, let us fix it fast. Call Ace of Dents at 201-699-9102 for more information.